Mike is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Mike grew up in the suburbs of Chicago where he had always had an interest in combat sports and the martial arts. Taekwondo was his art of choice from a young age but into high school and beyond he turned his focus to other sports but always had a desire to get back on the mat. He started in the academy kickboxing program but after watching Jiu Jitsu from the other side of the mat a few times he gave it a try, quickly hung up his gloves and never looked back. “I came into the academy thinking I’d dust off some old skills, learn some new techniques, and get a good work-out, not once thinking I’d find a new passion and most importantly make some lifelong friends with my training partners.” Mike’s son Andrew also started with the academy at 5yrs old and has been training for 6+ years. He has yet to get his girls on the mat but not giving up on that!